Majah Hype Leaks his Ex-wife’s videos online – Kirby’s four videos out on social media

Majah Hype's ex wife Kirby's four videos leaked online
Comedian Majah Hype and his ex-wife Kirby
  • Four private videos of Kirby (Ex-wife, ex-fiancee, of Comedian Majah Hype) surfaced online
  • In the leaked videos, Kirby can be seen cheating Majah Hype with four different men
  • People suspect Majah Hype leaked his ex-wife’s video intentionally in response to domestic abuse allegations made by her
  • Majah Hype has lost 100,000 followers on Instagram following allegations that he abused his ex-fiancée.

Social gene crazy after four of private videos of Comedian Majah Hype’s ex-fiancee Kirby, emerged on social media. People on social media are hunting for Kirby leaked videos. Many of people suspect Majah Hype intentionally leaked his ex-wife’s private videos after she alleged him of domestic abuse earlier this week.

Watch The Video Watch Video

Majah Hype was facing backlash after the allegations made by Kirby and was losing hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram. Responding to the allegations, Majah Hype came on Instagram live and exposed his ex-wife by showing her chat Screenshots with other men. He also shared a private video of Kirby on social media which sparked curiosity of finding more leaked videos of Kirby among social media users. Watch the video, below.
video: Majah Hype Exposes his ex-wife Kirby in a series and videos and pictures

Later on Wednesday December 9, more videos popped up of Majah Hype’s ex Kirby Farrell which shows her in very compromising actions.

Watch Full Video here

Four videos flooded the internet, which shows Kirby involved in inappropriate actions with four different men. In some of the videos, Kirby can be clearly identified as her back tattoo shows out. In others, however, there is no tattoo leading to many speculating that it is not her or that the video might be old.

You can watch All of four leaked videos of Kirby Farrel here on Twitter.

Neither of the two parties (Majah Hype and his ex-wife Kirby) have been active on their social media- with Kirby’s last post being six (6) days ago.

However, Majah Hype continues to post to his Instagram stories up to twelve hours ago as he posted various motivational messages and a live video stream.

Fans, however, think that the comedian is still passive-aggressively attacking his ex after he posted the poem ‘Still I rise’ by Maya Angelou. Many think he is taunting Kirby, who has had a verse from the Poem in her bio for years which says, “does my sexiness upset you?”

Meanwhile, friends of Kirby have started a gofundme campaign to raise funds that will take legal action against Majah Hype. A woman – Jamila Lyiscott, who says she is a friend of Kirby, has created the page. The description of the page says it is to raise funds for Kirby, who is a victim of Intimate Partner violence and has been suffering abuse at the hands of the popular comedian for over a year. The gofundme aims to raise $10,000.

The two are reportedly together since 2018 while they both were in relationships with other people.

However, after being together, Kirby came out to say that Majah Hype was physically and sexually abusive to her. On the other hand, he says that Kirby has been abusive to him and that she has cheated on him. Later, various sex videos surfaced, with Kirby claiming that the videos were released as revenge for her coming out about the abuse allegations.

 Majah Hype’s ex, Latisha, released this video speaking accusing that the comedian Majah Hype had abused her for a long time during their relationship. In the video, she is also seen apologising to her loved ones for distancing herself from them. She stated, “I have been going through, what an average person doesn’t go through in a whole lifetime. I had been keeping it a secret to protect him but hiding abuse had become a full-time job”. She stated, “I had to detach myself from my loved ones, so they didn’t know and wouldn’t be pained by what was happening to her. I am tired of protecting someone who is abusing me and I want to start healing and take my power back”

Kirby has also alleged that Majah Hype is a narcissist who pretends to be the victim when he, in fact, has worked voodoo on her, pulled a gun on her, and has hit her, and caused her to isolate herself from her friends and family.

Majah Hype has denied all of the allegations against him even though he showed several pictures and chats of men and their penises during a live video, which he said was to clear his name and that Kirby was not the victim she was claiming to be.

Comedy Superstar Majah Hype Wiki

Comedian Majah Hype, real name Collin Nigel McPherson, is also an actor, producer, writer, and DJ. He spent his childhood in East Kingston, Jamaica, and hails from Brooklyn. 

Mr. Hype’s comedy creations portray his family from the Caribbean. In a live performance that’s both side-splittingly funny and affectionate, he takes on grandparents, uncles, and friends. The comedian Majah Hype is the oldest of three children. 

The guy with a thousand identities i.e. Mr. Hype portrays several characters including “Di Rass”, “Grampa James”, and countless others. The comedian also masters all the accents including Bajan, Haitian, Jamaican, and Guyanese.

Career Background

When he was young, Majah Hype found his gift for making people laugh. He has had years of live experience under his belt since then and has performed from small clubs to large venues everywhere.

McPherson tickled crowds at his Caribana Comedy Show in 2017 with insights into Caribbean society. The tour was a huge success and cemented his status as one of the best funny men on YouTube.

Aside from being a comedian, Mr. Hype is also an accomplished musician. His grandfather, who had his own band with woodwind instruments, influenced him. In the future, Majah Hype plans to release mixtapes.

Majah Hype Ex-Wife (Ex-Fiancee)

The comedian Majah Hype’s ex-girlfriend addresses herself as KAF on her Instagram account. She has a son named Kody Campbell.

On 2 December 2020, his ex-girlfriend KAF apologized to her loved ones for disconnecting herself from them and revealed about being abused through a YouTube video
