James Charles Accused as Groomer, Victim Shares The Evidence of Grooming

  • YouTuber James Charles accused of grooming a minor and sending him his inappropriate pictures and text messages.
  • The victim, known as Isaiyah, came forward with the Screenshots as the evidence of James Charles being a groomer
  • The victim is a minor who also shared multiple videos showing evidence of grooming
  • James Charles denied the allegations that he groomed 16-year-old boy
James Charles accused of grooming by a teenager who shared the Screenshots of James Charles being a groomer

On February 26, 2020 (United States time), YouTuber James Charles appeared on Twitter trending page and became one of the top trend just in few hours.

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Many users were wondering why James Charles is suddenly trending. And here is the answer.

According to details, James Charles has been accused of grooming by a 16-year-old boy Isaiyah (TikTok name: Redzai) who shared multiple Screenshots and few videos as the evidences of his allegations.

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Video of 16-year-old accusing James Charles of grooming

The sixteen year old who comes on Twitter by the name of “Isaiyah” (Twitter ID: @Isaiyah13) shared multiple videos which show the Screenshots of the text messages James Charles sent to him.

The victim (Isaiyah) also included the Screenshots of messenger where James Charles was sending him his inappropriate pictures and texting in a way of grooming.

“tw, cw // grooming….my situation with James Charles,” the victim caption the video. Watch the video, below.


While recording the video, Isaiyah shows a Screenshot of the notification on snapchat and said: “This is the notification I received on snapchat when James Charles messaged me for the first.”

Isaiyah then added that he went to the bathroom while he was talking with James Charles and James saw the bathroom light after which he started becoming s*xual and wanted him to send his inappropriate pictures.

“He (James Charles) was pleasuring himself the whole time and wanted N*de pictures of my body for his pleasure,” Isaiyah said in the video.


Isaiyah then showed few inappropriate pictures of James Charles which he claims James Charles sent to him at that day.

Isaiyah then shared a second video on his Twitter which shows more N*de pictures of James Charles and some extremely inappropriate messages.

“I was getting really uncomfortable so I told him that I am sixteen Meanwhile, he is 21, a grown man. But he proceeded and asked me to send him tje pictures of my body,” Isaiyah added in his video statement.

He further added “After telling him no, I am not gonna send you, he kept asking for my Pictures and the videos of my body.”

“For those who don’t belive the age thing, this was me messaging my bsf who I told at the time about it. He was asking for me to send him pictures of my body right after me telling him I’m 16. Hope this clears things up,” Isaiyah said in a third video accusing James Charles of grooming him.


Isaiyah also shared the Screenshots of his TikTok and Instagram profile where he is mentioning that he is 1616-year-old and said that James Charles added him on Instagram and TikTok also.

James Charles Responded to Grooming Allegations made by Isaiyah

James Charles is denying accusations he’s grooming a 16-year-old boy … he claims the person making the accusation told him he was 18 before they started flirting over social media.

James just addressed the video making the rounds on social media where a boy claims James Charles is “grooming” him. His accuser claims James sent him sexually-explicit messages and pictures on Snapchat.

James Charles says the boy sent him lewd photos first, and he didn’t start “flirting back” until the kid told him he was 18.

In hindsight, James says he shoulda confirmed the boy’s age before flirting with him. JC says their conversation led him to realize the kid was way younger than he allegedly claimed, and that’s when James says he ended the virtual interaction.

James says he’s not victim-blaming but just says he’s sharing his side of the story … and he claims he’s learned a valuable lesson.

James Charles responds to grooming allegations made against him by the teenager Isaiyah

After the grooming allegations made by Isaiyah, James Charles shared his response in a note on Twitter. Jamed Charles said in his statement:

“There’s a video going around about me on TikTok and Twitter of a guy calling me a groomer and I want to address it right away. The accusation that I have groomed this person is completely false. Last week, I came across someone on my instagram explore page, saw he followed me, and added him on snapchat. The next morning, I woke up to several snaps from this person being excited I added him back, saying he loved me, and also lewd photos of himself in the shower. I asked how old he was right away and he told me he was 18 so I started flirting back. In the excitement of meeting someone I thought could be potentially great, I didn’t ask for a copy of his ID or passport. It’s now clear, based on the video he uploaded, he was taking photos of me with another device, and had an ulterior motive from the beginning. Later in the day, he said a few things that made me question the validity of his original age answer and when I asked him to confirm his age once again, he admitted he was 16. I told him I was really uncomfortable and apologized for flirting, but he insisted on continuing talking, saying it could be our little secret, he’s a fan of mine and would never tell anyone. I told him I wasn’t okay with this, he started getting upset, and at this point, I unfriended him. We haven’t spoken since. I’m not victim blaming him or victimizing myself either, simply sharing what happened, and what happened was not okay. After false allegations like this in the past, I would never knowingly engage with anyone underage and put my life on the line for a few snapchats. Because of situations like this, instead of taking someone’s word for it, I now will ask to see the ID or passport of every guy I have a conversation with.”

James Charles was accused of grooming Charli D’amelio in the past also.

WHO IS REDZAI (Isaiyah)?

Isaiyah, better known as Redzai on TikTok, is the 16-year-old who alleged that James Charles groomed him.

He is a fashion model who has 264,000 followers on his TikTok @Redzai where he shared two videos in which he allegedly ‘exposed’ James Charles, sharing screenshots of Snapchat conversations with him.

Redzai (Isaiyah) is from the USA, however details on his exact location are unknown. His Instagram account ID is @Isaxyah_0455.
