
    Gilded Hunter Pack Fortnite – How to get it in Fortnite Chapter 3 season 4

    The Gilded Hunter Pack for Fortnite leaked a few weeks ago, but the community didn’t know how to get it until now. The Huntmaster Saber outfit is one of the three new cosmetic items that come with the pack.

    Gilded Hunter Pack Fortnite - How to get it in Fortnite Chapter 3 season 4

    Many Fortnite players may remember Huntmaster Saber from Season 3, Chapter 3. He was an NPC who was hostile and watched over the IO Airships. The NPC was first found on an airship above Covert Cavern, and his last known location was The Collider. When Huntmaster Saber died, he dropped the Mythic Thermal Assault Rifle.

    This article will explain how to get the Gilded Hunter Pack in Fortnite. It will also look at the cosmetic and bonus items with this pack.

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    Xbox is the only place to get the Fortnite Gilded Hunter Pack.

    It would be best if you used an Xbox console to get the Gilded Hunter Pack in Fortnite. Only people who buy Microsoft’s gaming console can get the new pack.

    • The pack comes with the following:
    • Huntmaster Saber Outfit
    • Saber’s Fang Pickaxe
    • The Hunt Begins Wrap1,000 V-Bucks

    The two styles of both the outfit and the pickaxe were leaked on Friday, October 28. You can choose between black and white for these cosmetics. It turns out.

    As the tweet above shows, Huntmaster Saber will also have a different style. Instead of the usual white and gold, this different style is black and grey. The community thinks that the pickaxe will also have a style that is primarily black because of this.

    Also, when players buy the Gilded Hunter Pack, they get 1,000 V-Bucks as a bonus, which is a nice touch. The only way to get this pack is to buy a new Xbox Series S bundle, which is a shame.

    The new bundle will have a lot of extra stuff for many other video games that Epic Games owns. Fall Guys players will get a new outfit and 1,000 Show-Bucks. The new outfit is based on the outfit worn by the Huntmaster Saber.

    People who play Rocket League will get a new decal and 1,000 Credits. These cosmetic items, including the Gilded Hunter Pack, may be added to the Item Shop later, but Epic Games hasn’t confirmed this yet.

    We don’t know when the new Xbox bundle will come out, but there is a chance it will come out on Black Friday.

    Huntmaster Saber will return.

    In Chapter 3, Season 2, Huntmaster Saber was one of the bosses with the most incredible looks. His character model looks like the Key outfit, which came with the Season 8 Chapter 1 Battle Pass.

    This NPC is a vital member of The Imagined Order, but no one has seen them since the battle at The Collider. Since Epic Games will put him out with the new bundle, there is a chance that he will also come back to the game world.

    In the most recent Fortnite survey, two new Dr Slone skins were shown. Huntmaster Saber and Dr Slone are essential members of The Imagined Order who have not been seen since the end of Chapter 3, Season 2.

    Epic Games could hint at the group’s return to the game with these new skins. When the current season ends, there will probably be a live event, which could be when these two characters appear again.

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