    HomeTrendsChinese acrobat full video - Chinese acrobat fall video

    Chinese acrobat full video – Chinese acrobat fall video

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    Harrowing video shows Chinese acrobat falling to her death during show.

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    Chinese acrobat full video

    A distressing video records the instant a Chinese acrobat fell 30 feet to her death during a performance with her husband, who was unable to catch her in time.

    The devastating incident took place when the acrobat and her husband, identified by local media as Sun Moumou and Zhang Moumou, both 37, were performing in Hougao village in the central Anhui province on a Saturday, April 15, 2023.

    As the couple is lifted by a cable, Sun can be seen balancing on her husband’s feet before grasping his neck with her legs hanging freely.

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    In the following terrifying moments, she loses her grip, and Zhang is unable to catch her, resulting in her tragic fall to the ground.

    The acrobat was immediately taken to a hospital, where she was declared deceased.

    According to What’s on Weibo, which referred to local news sources, the couple had been in a disagreement, and Sun had allegedly declined to use a safety line for the performance.

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